That Was Freaky

Funny hand just now over on the table featuring Howard Lederer, Steve Zolotow, Andy Bloch, Brett Richey, David Baker, and Chris Ferguson. We would call it the "table of death" or give it some other special mention, but really every table rates as such at this event.
Ferguson -- who has been reading Freakonomics, the 2005 best-seller by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner -- put down the book and opened with a raise to 400 from the cutoff, and only Bloch called from the big blind. Bloch took two cards. Ferguson then rechecked his cards, smiled a little, and tapped the table.
Bloch bet 700, and Ferguson let out a laugh as he mucked his cards face up -- ! The table joined Ferguson in laughing at the unlikelihood of the hand, not to mention its worthlessness here in 2-7.
Both Ferguson and Bloch remain at around their starting stacks of 7,500 with all three add-ons still available to them.