Bellande vs. Shirley

Jean-Robert Bellande is stirring things up in the tournament area, but this time it wasn't so much from his play. Marlon Shirley showed up on the rail and was watching Steve Wong play when he challenged Bellande to a 100-meter sprint where he would give Bellande a 30-meter head start. Shirley wanted to bet $50,000 on the race and Bellande was just about ready to take it when he wanted to check with Huck Seed to see if it was a good choice. Wong mentioned that he'd back Shirley up on this.
Bellande didn't seem to know who Shirley is and if you'd like to know, just check out this page. Shirley is a two-time Paralympic 100-meter champion and has been on the U.S. Paralympic Team. Bellande was almost certain that he wanted to accept the bet and after talking to Seed, the two were about to make the bet.
A couple minutes passed while Shirley and Bellande went back and forth discussing possible terms of the race and of the bet. Eventually, Shirley informed them that he was going to head out without a bet actually being placed. Shirley did give Seed his contact information and told Seed to call him or text him because he'll be around.
Shirley left the room without a bet being finalized, but it looks like this could be the making of a good one. If anything further comes up, you can be sure that PokerNews will let you know about it, but until then it's back to Omaha.