Will Bellande vs. Shirley Happen?

If you followed our coverage of this event last night, you'll remember when we talked about a challenge that Paralympian Marlon Shirley laid out to Jean-Robert Bellande. You can read about it here if you want to check it out.
Shirley stopped by while the final table players were on break and talked about how he'd love to make the bet happen, but will be leaving tomorrow. He said he'll be back in Las Vegas soon and would like to try and organize something with Bellande for the bet. Shirley was fairly confident he'd beat Bellande, but as of right now, there is no official bet. "The ideal race - the perfect race - would be if Bellande started at 100 meters and I started at 130 meters," said Shirley. We'll be sure to follow up on this if anything goes down.