Josephy Getting Chips In
Hani Awad completed with the showing, and Cliff Josephy raised with the
. Blake Cahail called both bets, and Awad called the extra one to go off to fourth street.
Awad: (X) (X) /
/ (X)
Josephy: (X) (X) /
/ (X)
Cahail: (X) (X) /
Josephy got a bet in on fourth street, and both opponents called. On fifth, another Josephy bet pushed Cahail out of the way, but Awad check-called quickly. Josephy bet again on sixth, and Awad called, and Josephy bet out of turn on seventh street. "I'm first," said Awad, eventually checking with a sour look on his face. Josephy's chips went right back into the pot, and Awad tank-called.
Josephy turned over
to give him the the very strong sixty-five, and Awad shook his head. "I had a big hand too," he said, flashing his
. Awad's ninety-five was second-best though, and the pot goes to JohnnyBax.
Josephy - 180,000
Awad - 235,000