Bill Chen Eliminated in 2nd Place ($203,802)

We thought we were on a five-minute razz siesta. Every previous round of razz in the heads-up portion of this match saw the high card bring it in, the low card complete, and the high card fold. In fact, on the first hand of razz this round, Phil Ivey brought it in and just immediately passed the bring-in chips to Bill Chen rather than wait for Chen to complete.
On the final hand of the tournament, Chen brought it in with a deuce and Ivey completed an ace. Chen then raised and Ivey re-raised. That's where Chen stopped and motioned to TD Bob Smith.
"I have a question," said Chen. "How many raises are we allowed?"
"Heads-up, as many as you like," Smith replied. Chen then put in the next raise, which Ivey just called.
Both players caught babies on fourth street. Ivey was slightly better and bet the lead. Chen called. The situation repeated itself on fifth street. Ivey bet, Chen raised, Ivey re-raised and like that Chen was all in. The reveal showed an ugly situation for Chen:
Chen: A-5 / 2-7-6, a made 7-6
Ivey: 3-5 / A-6-2, a made 6-5
Improbably, each player started three to a wheel and made a strong low in 5. Ivey's was stronger and left Chen looking for a 3 just to chop the pot. Each player drew a 7 on sixth street, no help. Down the river, Chen pulled a 10, which was no help. Ivey, because he's Ivey, obviously pulled an unnecessary 4 to end the tournament in style with a wheel.
Chen leaves in 2nd place with $203,802 in prize money.