Matt Marafioti Eliminated in 2nd Place ($381,507)

Matt Marafioti raised to 200,000 before the flop, and Valdemar Kwaysser made the call to see a flop.
It came out
, and Kwaysser checked to the raiser. Marafioti tried to bet 425,000, and the dealer flicked one green chip back as a rebate for his pot-sized bet. Without wasting much time, Kwaysser announced, "Pot," and Marafiotti got his chips into the pot in a hurry, putting himself all in for a total of 1.995 million. With Marafioti once again at risk, the cards were turned over:
Marafioti was behind, but he had a ton of outs to draw this match back to even at four million chips apiece. The turn wasn't one of his out cards, but the was a good miss as it gave him another six outs to make a straight. Marafioti was smirking nervously at the weight of the moment as the dealer dropped the river card on board.
It was the , and that was another miss for Marafioti with his very last shot.
Unable to get over the hump, he has become the final elimination of this event, finishing in 2nd place for $381,507. It was a patient and measured final table for Marafioti, and he's been rewarded with a sweet payday -- the largest of his career -- to soothe his near-bracelet blues.