Greg on the Go

Like Chris Ferguson, Greg Mueller has been spending most of the afternoon away from his stack here in Event #44, and down the hall in the Amazon Room playing Day 2 of Event #43 (the $10K H.O.R.S.E.). He did just make a quick visit here to play a couple of hands, however.
One -- at the end of the no-limit round -- saw Andrew Feldman raising to 500 from middle position, then Mueller shoving all in for 2,625 from the small blind. Feldman thought a minute, then called, showing to Mueller's
. The board came
. Mueller backdoored a flush and doubled to 5,400.
Shortly after that hand, Mueller won another nice pot in the limit round, eliminating Tony Dunst with versus Dunst's
. Mueller just took off back down the hall, leaving about 12,000 sitting here.