The Genius in All of Us

We were wandering by Phil "Unabomber" Laak's table when we watched 2001 World Series of Poker Main Event Champion Carlos Mortensen make his way over to talk to his dear friend.
"What are you even doing here?" Mortensen asked. "I thought you don't play limit?"
"I don't," Laak replied, before explaining that the only reason he was playing today's event was because he's looking to earn $60,000 in tournaments this summer to qualify for the Federated Sports + Gaming professional league. Mortensen, who is obviously qualified for the league, understood completely, but still didn't pass up the opportunity to give his friend a hard time.
"Believe me, there is a PLO game at the Bellagio I'm dying to play, yet here I am," Laak sighed. Interestingly, Laak seems prepared to combat the monotony that ofter accompanies limit-hold'em tournaments. He has his iPod going, headphones in, and recently pulled out a book to read. What book you ask . . . "The Genius in All of Us" by David Shenk.