Chris Moorman Eliminated in 2nd Place ($716,282)

Chirs Moorman had the button and raised to 240,000. Joe Ebanks called, and the flop came down . Both players checked.
The turn was the , and Ebanks led for 250,000. Moorman went into the tank, then moved all in. Ebanks asked for a count (it was 2.06 million total), and when he received the amount, he sat back in his chair and put his hands on his head.
He eventually announced, "call," and the hands were opened.
Ebanks was well ahead with a pair of kings and a diamond flush draw, and only a non-diamond nine or ace would save Moorman. The river was a nine, but the completed Ebanks flush, making him our champion!
Congratulations to Chris Moorman on his second-place finish. This was his second final table at the 2011 World Series of Poker, and he receives $716,282 for his great play.