Level: 4
Blinds: 10,000/20,000
Ante: 0
Level: 4
Blinds: 10,000/20,000
Ante: 0
Jason Koon has a six-to-four advantage now after a big double-up.
Simeon Naydenov opened to 32,000 and called when Koon three-bet to 80,000.
The flop fell and Koon continued for 84,000. Naydenov shoved and Koon said, "Okay then" and called.
Naydenov: for middle pair.
Koon: for top pair.
The board ran out .
Naydenov cashed in his final two lammers.
Level: 3
Blinds: 8,000/16,000
Ante: 0
Julian Powell has busted his first lammer and that ends their 'show and tell' game.
All the chips went in on the turn of a board.
Powell had picked the out of Leif Force's hand and he was showing
Force took the hand with a winning straight for two-to-one chip lead.
While they are on their first bullet and only during the PLO rounds Julian Powell and Leif Force have decided they would each expose one random card from their hands. It's a pretty fun and exciting way to play PLO.
Jason Koon is the only player thus far that has cashed in one of his rebuy lammers.
The match between Julian Powell and Leif Force has been a much slower affair than the Koon vs Naydenov match. There's been a lot of checking and min-raising without much happening at showdown.
Level: 2
Blinds: 6,000/12,000
Ante: 0
Jason Koon cashed in his second lammer after that pot and is putting those chips to better use.
He min raised the button, checked the flop, bet 21,000 on the turn, and 43,000 on the river.
The final board read and Simeon Naydenov matched him all the way.
Koon opened [ for trips and Naydenov mucked.
Simeon Naydenov just gave Jason Koon the poker version of a slap on the wrist in their match.
Naydenov opened to 12,000 and Koon called to see the flop.
Naydenov continued for 16,000 and was check-raised to 37,000 by Koon. Naydenov three-bet to 86,000 and when Koon clicked it back he shoved. Koon snap-folded.