Last Hand of Night Claims Guarascio

In the very last hand of the night, Brian Rast opened for 80,000 from middle position, Sam Trickett called from a seat over, and Giovanni Guarascio, sitting to Trickett's left, called as well.
It folded back to Frederic Banjout in the blinds who fired a reraise to 300,000, forcing folds around to Guarascio. He thought for a while, then finally shrugged and put his remaining chips out before him �� a reraise to 365,000 total.
Banjout hesitated for a moment, unsure at first just how much Guarascio had shoved. When it was explained he only owed 65,000 more, he called.
"Wait!" said Trickett with a grin, pointing at a stack of his own lavender chips he had sneakily set closer to Guarascio before pulling it back with a grin.
The table chuckled, and the players tabled their hands �� for Guarascio, and
for Banjout.
The board came , and Guarascio won't be joining the 37 coming back for tomorrow's day 2.
Player | Chips | Progress |
-100,000 |
Busted |