Hands 64-66

Hand #64- Levi Berger made it 80,000 from the small blind, and Ben Palmer defended his big blind. The flop came , and Berger check called a bet of 105,000. The
hit the turn, and both players checked. The river was
, and Berger fired out 155,000. Palmer folded his hand, and Berger took the first hand back from dinner.
Hand #65- Levi Berger made it 80,000 from the button, and Palmer made it 230,000 in the small blind. Clements folded in the big blind, and after about a minute of thought, Berger folded as well.
Hand #66- Clements made it 100,000 in the small blind, and Berger made the call from the big blind. Both players checked an all club flop of , and the turn brought another club, the
. Clements fired 105,000, and Berger let his hand go, giving the pot to Clements.