Taylor Getting Closer

Hand #128: Blake Bohn raised to 140,000 on the button, Jonathan Taylor called, and the dealer fanned . Both players checked The turn was the
, both players checked, and the
completed the board. They checked again. Taylor showed
for a pair of eights, and won.
Hand #129: Taylor raised to 120,000 on the button, Bohn quickly called, and the flop was . Bohn checked, Taylor continued for 100,000, and Bohn instantly check-raised to 200,000. Taylor called. The turn was the
, Bohn led out for 260,000, and Taylor called.
The completed the board, Bohn quickly checked, and Taylor unhappily knuckled behind. Taylor showed
for a straight, and Bohn flashed
for a flopped two pair.
Hand #130: Bohn raised to 140,000 on the button, Taylor called, and the dealer fanned . The two checked. The turn was the suicide king (
), Bohn checked, Taylor bet 140,000, and Both check-raised to 505,000. Taylor went deep into the tank, then re-raising, moving all in. Bohn snap-mucked.