Bohn Shoves Twice, No Calls

Hand #132: On the button Bohn raised to 170,000. Taylor moved all in from the big blind. Bohn folded and Taylor scooped the pot.
Hand #133: Taylor raised on the button and Bohn folded.
Hand #134: Bohn moved all in from the button and Taylor folded.
Hand #135: Taylor raised to 160,000 from the button and was called by Bohn in the big blind. On the flop, Bohn checked to Taylor who bet 130,000. Bohn moved all in and Taylor folded.
Hand #136: On the button Blake Bohn raised to 200,000, forcing a fold out of Jonathan Taylor.
Hand #137: Taylor raised from the button and took down the pot.
Hand #138: Bohn raised to 200,000 from the button and Taylor folded from the big blind.
Hand #139: Taylor raised to 160,000 from the button and was able to scoop the blinds and antes.