Busquet Busts Smith Then Buys Him a Drink

Gavin Smith opened the betting with a raise to 450 from under the gun, a raise that folded out the active players one-by-one until the action was on Olivier Busquet on the button.
Busquet peeked at his cards then moved all-in for 3,150 in total. The blinds ducked out of the way, but Smith shrugged his shoulders and called.
Smith looked on course for a timely double-up, but the flipped the hand on its head and put the ball firmly in Busquet's court. The
left Smith drawing dead and he was already out of his seat when the
completed the board.
As Smith left the table, the waiter arrived with a tray of drink. Smith darted back to his to collect his beverage, and Busquet gave the waiter a couple of dollars to pay for it.
"Well that was worth it," said Smith as he headed out of the tournament area sipping on his free cocktail.