Hands #57-61: Flop Shove from Legat

Level 40
: 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
Hand #57: Simon Legat raised to 3,300,000 in the small blind and Jayachandra Gangaiah called the big blind. Legat shoved a little over 10,000,000 on the flop and Gangaiah folded.
The blinds moved up to 600,000/1,200,000
Hand #58: Jorden Fox took it with an under-the-gun raise.
Hand #59: Legat made it 3,000,000 in the small blind and Jeffrey Smith folded.
Hand #60: Fox raised to 2,800,000 in the small blind and Legat folded the big.
Hand #61: Gangaiah got a walk.