Hands #37-42: Underwood Takes on Blackburn, In and Out of Position

Hand #37: Benjamin Underwood raised to 1,600,000, called by Nick Blackburn in the big blind, as has been his wont, prompting Underwood to say, "Oh no! Fold now, I guess..."
He did not end up folding, but betting 1,500,000 when Blackburn checked to him on a flop. Blackburn threw away his
Hand #38: Samuel Gagnon found another spot to move all in and did so, again no one keen to take him on.
Hand #39: Blackburn raised his button to 1,800,000 and big blind Underwood made the call to see a flop. Underwood checked, Blackburn bet 2,200,000, then Underwood threw in a raise - to 4,500,000. A second pot went to Underwood from Blackburn.
Hand #40: Santiago Soriano raised to 1,600,000 on the button and won the blinds and ante.
Hand #41: Nick Blackburn opened for 2,000,000 and won some of his own.
Hand #42: Amir received another walk from Daniele D'Angelo.