The player in the small blind went all in and there was a long pause while Martin Kabrhel contemplated his next move.
Eventually the floor was called by Adam Freidman and the clock was put on Kahbrel while some other notable players from nearby tables who tried to reason with him over perceived excessive tanking.
Kabrhel, who has already caused plenty of controversy during the 2023 WSOP, finally called, as did Johan Schumacher, with considerably less fuss.
The flop fell K?J?3?. Schumacher bet 5,000 and with the floor standing over him Kabrhel made the call in quick time.
The turn was the 10? and was checked by both players.
When Schumacher bet the 6? river, Kabrhel announced, "Sorry guys but you'll have me around for at least one more hand" and tossed his cards in the muck.
Small Blind: A?K?
Johan Schumacher: A?A?
Schumacher won the pot, sending the small blind to the rail. A few minutes later, cheers could be heard from the table and Kabrhel was seen leaving the card room.
Adam FreidmanJohan SchumacherMartin Kabrhel