Shack-Harris Reduces the Field by One

Level 8
Limit Flop/Draw: 500/1,000, 1,000-2,000 Limits
Stud Games: 200 Ante, 300 Bring-In, 1,000 Completion 1,000-2,000 Limits
Pot-Limit & No-Limit: 500/800 Ante, 300/500 Blinds
Stud Games: 200 Ante, 300 Bring-In, 1,000 Completion 1,000-2,000 Limits
Pot-Limit & No-Limit: 500/800 Ante, 300/500 Blinds
2-7 Triple Draw
Action was picked up just before the final draw between two players and around 12,000 in the middle. Brandon Shack-Harris was in the small blind and stood pat while his opponent, who was already all in and covered, drew one.
Opponent: 7x5x4x3x
Brandon Shack-Harris: 9x7x4x3x2x
Shack-Harris was ahead with nine-low and had to fade a two or an eight from his opponent, who instead caught another 4x and made his exit from the tournament area while Shack-Harris took the pot.
Player | Chips | Progress |
![]() |
44,100 |