Five-Bet Shove Costs Brian Kim a Shot at WSOP Main Event Title

Level 24
Limit Flop: 60,000-120,000, 120,000-240,000 Limits
Stud Games: 30,000-120,000, 120,000-240,000 Limits, 30,000 Ante
Stud Games: 30,000-120,000, 120,000-240,000 Limits, 30,000 Ante

We've already seen a few interesting hands at the 2024 World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main Event final table on Tuesday, and one will certainly be talked about on podcasts and blogs in the coming days.
The hand we're referring to occurred a little over three hours into the session, and it involved one of the most successful players at the table �� Brian Kim, a Los Angeles poker pro with over $7.3 million in live tournament cashes prior to the Main Event, according to The Hendon Mob. He'll be adding $1.5 million to that number, but it could have been much higher if not for one interesting hand.