Hands #151-155: Hughes and Reynolds Scoop Pots

Level 28
: 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante
hand #151: James Hughes raised to 135,000 on the button, and the blinds folded.
Hand #152: Hughes raised to 135,000 again, and everyone folded.
Hand #153: Reginald Hampton raised to 130,000, and Hughes called from the big blind. The flop came , and Hughes checked to Hampton, who bet 230,000. Hughes raised all in after about two minutes in the tank. Hampton quickly folded.
Hand #154: Thomas Reynolds called on the button, and Hughes called from the small blind. Eric Blair checked his option, and the flop came . The action was checked to Reynolds, who bet 110,000 to win the hand.
Hand #155: Reynolds raised to 125,000 and picked up the pot.