That's All, Folks

"Words can't describe how I feel," he gleamed. "I'm ecstatic. I was chip leader for most of yesterday, and it was then that it dawned on me that I could actually win."
But coming into the final, Hougaard was eighth in chips, and looking to edge his way up the ladder. "It's not my normal approach, but I'm embarrassed to say that I was just trying to make my way through the money gradually. When I doubled up though and got some chips, I felt I could start to play."
As a tournament that was lacking from the festival's inaugural year, many would suggest that this opening ��1,500 freezeout was a roaring success. From my ringside view and overhearing comments made by the players themselves, I would have to agree and hope that the tournament becomes a permanent fixture in years to come.
But before then, we've got a H.O.R.S.E event to finish. Yee-haw, giddy up!