Hands #97-101-All-in Shove Not Called

Hand #97: Oleksandr Shcherbak completed with and Viliyan Petleshkov
checked. The flop came [5cc4s3s], Petleshkov check-folded when Shcherbak bet 120,000.
Hand #98: Petleshkov raised to 250,000 with and Shcherbak folded.
Hand #99: Shcherbak raised to 240,000 with and Petleshkov called with
. The flop came
, Petleshkov check-called on the 240,000 bet of Shcherbak. The turn brought them the
, Petleshkov checked again. Now Shcherbak bet 650,000, Petleshkov folded.
Hand #100: Petleshkov limped in with Shcherbak raised to 400,000 with
and Petleshkov now folded.
Hand #101: Shcherbak completed with and Petleshkov checked with his
. the flop came
, Petleshkov check- called the 120,000 bet of Shcherbak. The turn gave them the
, Petleshkov checked again, Shcherbak bet 360,000 and Petleshkov called. The
on the river completed the board and Petleshkov checked. Shcherbak bet 360,000 and Petleshkov shoved all in. Shcherbak snap-folded.