Hands #119-123: Back and Forth

Hand #119: Benjamin Pollak raised to 2,200,000 with and Niall Farrell called with
The flop came and Farrell check-called a bet of 1,900,000. The turn
went check-check and the river was the
. Both players checked and Farrell won with his pair of eights.
Hand #120: Farrell limped with on the button and Pollak checked
in the big blind. The flop came
and Pollak check-called a bet of 1,000,000.
The turn was the and both players checked. The
was checked by both players and Pollak won with his pair of tens.
Hand #121: Pollak raised to 2,200,000 and Farrell called with
. The flop came
and Farrell check-folded to a bet of 2,800,000.
Hand #122: Farrell limped and Pollak raised to 4,800,000 with
. Farrell folded.
Hand #123: Pollak raised to 2,200,000 with and Farrell folded