Alioto Alleviates Chip Deficit

Level 13
: Blinds 1,500/3,000, 4,500 ante
Limit Flop/Draw: 3,000-6,000, 6,000-12,000 limits
Stud: 6,000-12,000 limits
No-Limit/Pot-Limit: 1,500-3,000, 4,500 ante
Stud: 6,000-12,000 limits
No-Limit/Pot-Limit: 1,500-3,000, 4,500 ante
2-7 Triple Draw
Dario Alioto raised under the gun and called when Sebastian Cantzler three-bet in the hijack. Each player took two cards, after which Alioto bet out for half his stack.
Cantzler raised to put his opponent all-in, and Alioto called off. They both stood pat on the second draw. On the third draw, Alioto tanked for a minute or so before changing one card.
Cantzler still stood pat and showed 8x7x6x3x2x. Alioto tabled 8x7x3x2x and squeezed a 5x to give him a better eight-low for the double-up.
Player | Chips | Progress |
![]() |
-20,000 |
![]() |
9,000 |