Lawrie Inman Eliminated in 10th Place (��12,902)

We joined the action between Lawrie Inman and Andrew Pantling on a flop of
. Inman had checked and Pantling put out a bet of 12,400 which Inman then check-raised to 32,000, Pantling though was undeterred and slid out another raise on top to 64,000 before Inman moved all-in.
Pantling rechecked his cards quickly, before making the call. Inman showed
but he was behind to Pantling's flopped top two pair holding of
. The
on the turn gave Inman a few more outs but the
river was not the card he wanted to see paired.
Five minutes elasped as there was a chip countdown but Pantling had his opponent covered and now sits with the chip lead and a whopping 525,00 stack.