The Poker Hand I��ll Never Forget: Matt Glantz

It��s the hand that put you over the top. Or the two cards you held that time you were rivered for a monster pot. Everyone has ��the hand,�� that one that you remember no matter how many more tournaments or cash games played. PokerNews takes a look at those hands that stick with players and relive the glory, or misery, depending on the results.
For our third edition of this series, we spoke with Matt Glantz about a huge pot he lost in the 2013 High Roller for One Drop at the World Series of Poker.
Also Read: Mike Matusow remembers his disaster at the 2005 WSOP Main Event final table
2013 $111,111 One Drop High Roller
This hand sticks with Glantz four years later. It was a critical hand late in this massive payout tournament, and if not for a bit of bad luck the tournament would have played out differently for him.
"There were 14 players left and we were already in the money," says Glantz, who has $6.4 million in tournament winnings. "Martin Jacobson and I were chip leaders at my table."
With the blinds at 80,000/160,000, Jacobson opened for 320,000 from the cutoff and Lawrence Greenberg called from the button. Brandon Steven called from the small blind, and then Glantz shoved all in from the big blind for around 33 big blinds with the A?K?. Jacobson called for 2.835 million, the other two players folded.
"Martin thought about it and called with A?Q?," Glantz says. "The winner was about to have all the chips."
The flop brought 9?Q?K?, keeping Glantz in front with a pair of kings but giving Jacobson a pair and a flush draw. The 2? on the turn changed nothing, but the crushing 10? arrived on the river to give Jacobson a winning flush. Glantz was left running on fumes, and a few hands later he got his last chips all-in with his K-10 versus Jeremy Ausmus�� A-10 and was eliminated in 13th place for $251,549. It was not a bad payday, but he knows it could have been so much more if that board had gone differently.
Jacobson went on to finish sixth for $807,427 and would win his Main Event title a year later for $10 million. Maryland��s Tony Gregg went on to win the title for $4.8 million.
Glantz still wishes big slick had been just a little kinder to him.
In this Series
- 1 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Mike Matusow��s Disaster with Pocket Kings
- 2 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Daniel Negreanu��s WSOP Main Event Misstep
- 3 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Matt Glantz and the One That Got Away
- 4 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Greg Raymer and the WSOP Main Event
- 5 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Greg Raymer and the WSOP Main Event
- 6 The Hand I'll Never Forget: James Woods' Massive Bad Beat Jackpot
- 7 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Hellmuth's 'White Magic' at the WSOPE Main Event
- 8 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Phil Laak Gets Bluffed at 2010 WSOP Europe
- 9 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Around The World With Jaime Staples
- 10 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Alex Foxen's Big Call Down
- 11 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Jean-Robert, the Cooler & the Comeback
- 12 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Elezra��s Straight Flush & Celine Dion Prank
- 13 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Phil Galfond��s $50-$100 Bad Beat
- 14 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Quads Over Quads with Norm MacDonald
- 15 The Hand I'll Never Forget: McEvoy Takes Big Pot From Amarillo Slim
- 16 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Dutch Boyd's 2003 WSOP Check-Raise Jam
- 17 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Emmitt Smith Exits 2010 Main Event
- 18 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Jessica Dawley's Wreckage on the River
- 19 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Tristan Wade Spikes a Huge River
- 20 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Dylan Hortin Misses a Shot at Becoming a Millionaire
- 21 The Hand I'll Never Forget: Andy Black Five-Bet Stuffs on Phil Ivey
- 22 Hand I'll Never Forget: Actor Kevin Pollak Finds Perspective on Crushing 2012 Main Event Bad Beat
- 23 Hand I'll Never Forget: Tom Koral Catches Triple Barrel Bluff, Wins Second WSOP Bracelet